This meeting has already occurred. You can view the video here and see a lot of discussion points integrated into the 2001 RIA issue page.
- joint (5B06 and 5C07) SMD meeting.
- The most important matter on the agenda will be the zoning case for 2001 Rhode Island Ave NE
- The meeting will be entirely virtual
If these terms are confusing and/or you don’t know if you live in 5B06 or 5C07, visit the FAQ or the OpenANC map.
This is a joint meeting of SMDs 5B06 and 5C07 to be held on 3/27/2023 starting at 7pm. The meeting will be all virtual over Microsoft Teams.
Single-Member District meetings are:
- optional outreach efforts by Commissioners
- per cultural norms, a precondition to bring official actions to 5B and 5C
- a chance for Commissioners to discuss issues with their immediate constituents
- not a venue for any official actions
- more common in some parts of DC than others
Why are these joint meetings?
Commissioner Piekara and I do joint meetings because our community is split down the center by the Commission boundary along Rhode Island Ave, the epicenter of our community’s housing production, retail/commercial activity, and street safety issues. Most obligatory ANC casework in our SMDs is shared by ANCs 5B and 5C with both being affected/party ANCs; having a joint meeting provides cross-pollinated awareness of both Commission’s activities and avoids redundant meetings on the same topics.
2001 RIA is an example of a case that concerns both Commissions; both Commissions have automatic party status and both our reports would both have “Great Weight” because the address is directly on the boundary.
Physical Location
There will be no physical location for March.
Virtual Connection Details
The meeting will be available virtually on Microsoft Teams.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
- Click here to join the meeting
- Meeting ID: 223 651 184 26
- Passcode: yCndRL
Notes for folks there virtually:
- Mind your mute and video-off buttons; opening access is consent to be recorded and made part of the meeting record
Or call in (audio only)
- +1 206-420-0854,,955959030# (United States, Seattle)
- Phone Conference ID: 955 959 030#
2001 RIA rendering
Feel free to reach out if you have suggestions for this agenda! Given the informal nature of of SMD meetings, this agenda is flexible and may change anytime.
- Community updates:
- Langdon Park Neighbors
- Friends of Queens Chapel Forest Patch
- Presentation from Restoration Community Alliance
- Applicant presentation on 2001 Rhode Island Ave NE
- public comments/questions
Notification History
I can’t guarantee perfect conveyence of information to every stakeholder on every occasion, but I do my best to both diversify outreach and log all of it for auditability. I’m also available through the contact methods on the footer of this webpage.
Information about 2001 RIA and this meeting posted around the building
method | outreach performed |
routine scheduling | Though there has not been a joint SMD meeting since December, this date does align with the standing fourth Wednesday schedule for these semi-regular meetings dating back to February 2023 |
website | This meeting information page was first posted to this website on 3/24/2023 around 10pm ET; it’s also linked from the embedded (and subscribable) 5C07 calendar and from the 5C website. |
social media | I posted about 2001 RIA and this meeting on Twitter/X, the Brookland DC Facebook group, and on the Woodridge DC Neighbors Facebook group. |
direct email | 2001 RIA has been a top topic on a number of my email newsletters, and a meeting on the subject was noted as likely for March 27th in the February newsletter. |
paper flyer | This meeting and the subject of 2001 RIA were covered in a purpose-made flyer, which I delivered by hand to nearby neighbors, placed in several community locations, and posted by the subject property. |