This is a future meeting. This page is meant to preview topics.


  • FEMS will be presenting on Engine 26 site relocation efforts
  • I’ll be seeking disposition votes on two alcohol licensing cases
  • There will be presentations on lead pipe replacement and powerline undergrounding

Meeting Details

The meeting will be held virtually via WebEx at 7pm ET on Wednesday 5/17/2023. The most recent regular meeting of ANC 5C was on 4/19/2023. This is the second-to-last meeting before a two-month summer recess.

This is an official 5C meeting. Commission meetings are:

  • open to the public
  • generally noticed to the public ahead of time by seven days and multiple approved methods
  • require a quorum of Commissioners present
  • the only suitable venue for official Commission actions (e.g. voting on resolutions/letters)

Connection Details

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Meeting number (access code): 2304 457 4275
Meeting password: h4KGm7Cppx9

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Draft agenda

Engine 26

The Engine 26 issue evolved significantly in the week and a half leading up to this meeting. FEMS indicated to Councilmember Parker on 5/8 that they were no longer interested in the Model Cities site.

The goals for this meeting now shift to:

  • Getting FEMS on the record about no longer purusing the Model Cities/Paper Street Forest Patch site
  • Learning more about their other site selection priorities, which likely pivot to sites not already owned by DC (and therefore will require a higher budget)
  • Understanding if/why they can’t add a new station somewhere in southeastern 5C while keeping the existing Engine 26 site (possibly redeveloping it into a mixed-use complex including housing, retail, and a new firestation as is being done a few blocks away for Engine 12), to futureproof plans going forward

I have always acknowledged that advocacy against the Model Cities site would raise the cost of this project, and promised to help in the site selection efforts. As a result, I do plan to be advocating to raise the budget of this project as needed to meet the necessary requirements of this project in a safe and sustainable way.

alcohol licenses

There are two alcohol license cases, both on the 5B side of the boundary inside the 600 foot thresholds to make 5C an affected ANC. These were discussed at the 4/26 joint SMD meeting

Theodore R Hagans Cultural Arts Center

The rec center in Fort Lincoln was summarily shut down and the reasons are unclear. The rec center is due for a renovation soon, but was meant to stay open for a bit before then. This may have ramifications for our community as Langdon Rec Center is also due for near-term renovations, and we’d prefer it stay open for as long as possible beforehand.

Treasurer Report

I need to call votes on canceling five outstanding checks (at a $30 fee per check); this is required to close out the old ledger system OANC is retiring.

Meeting Minutes

5C has three past months of meeting minutes to approve: