I try to incorporate chances to advocate to targeted decisionmakers (or their public-facing staff) for any pressing issues we’re facing as a community. Here are some things you can take action on right now. Any of these action items can also be turned into a petition if you want to grab even more support quickly from neighbors.

act on if you care about
The HAWK signal at RIA/Thayer traffic safety in our neighborhood
2001 Rhode Island Ave NE more homes and retail spaces on RIA

tips for a good letter

  • Be respectful; use honorifics instead of first names, and thank folks for their service no matter how you may feel about it
  • Be specific; always use (and bold) specific Service Request/Work Order numbers to avoid adding a layer of research to follow-through
  • Add emotion/color in the form of your experiences (but don’t lose the thread on the specific action being advocated for)