This is a preview of a future meeting; my goal is to organize information here to help folks follow along if they choose to attend (or stay aware even if they don’t).
Meeting Details
The meeting will be held virtually via WebEx at 7pm ET on Wednesday 3/15/2023. The most recent regular meeting of ANC 5C was on 2/15/2023.
This is an official 5C meeting. Commission meetings are:
- open to the public
- generally noticed to the public ahead of time by seven days and multiple approved methods
- require a quorum of Commissioners present
- the only suitable venue for official Commission actions (e.g. voting on resolutions/letters)
Connection Details
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2315 831 7111
Meeting password: Qwm6NbPeX88
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
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Join by phone
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Draft agenda
- Convene
- Regular Reports: MPD 5th District; Councilmember Parker; Office of the Mayor
- Presentations:
- Kimley-Horn of DC (on behalf of Costco) - Traffic Improvement
- DDOT - Arboretum Bridge and Trail
- DDOT/Mayor’s Office - Discuss issues and concerns of the Commission + the DC Budget
- DC Water
- Office of Campaign Finance
- Discussion and Disposition Votes
- Public Space Permit application #411742, Costco improvements (5C03)
- BZA case 20872, 2026 Jackson St NE (5C07/5B06)
- Discussion and Vote on Budget Request Resolutions
- Arterial Safety and Bus Service Reliability
- Fort Lincoln Library and Pool
- Approve the Minutes of the February Regular Meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Security Fund
- QFRs for FY23-Q1 and FY22-Q4
- Public Comment
Costco Public Space Application
This concerns building a new curb cut into the Costco parking lot from Route 50 exit into Fort Lincoln, ostensibly to increase vehicle volume into and out of the parking lot. From the permit application:
The purpose of this project is to relief traffic congestion at the existing Costco Wholesale. Due to TIA [(Traffic Impact Analysis)] results and discussions with Aaron Zimmerman [(of DDOT’s Development Review Program)], this project proposes on (1) new curb cut at the north east building corner to Fort Lincoln Drive NE. Additionally, this project proposes new traffic signage, traffic markings and striping, and new sidewalk connection along Fort Lincoln Drive to improve pedestrian functionality.
This plan is a near-term “fix” for vehicle gridlock getting into and out of the Costco parking lot. It was approved by DDOT after some adjustments. As far as I can tell, all design, substantiation of value/impact, and construction work is being conducted by contractors (Atlantic Traffic and Design) on behalf of Costco. The primary change is a new left-in/left-out driveway into the Costco parking lot. There is also a new sidewalk and crosswalk being installed as part of the work. There are additional options outlined in the traffic analysis for further long-term “improvement.”
proposed Costco site plan